Bachelor party Amsterdam: 10 ideas and tips to make it the best day ever!
The day has come, your best friend is getting married! But now, you have the task to organise the bachelor party! You have to make sure everyone gets a great day.
But chances are that you never organised a bachelor party before. But no worries, in this artikel you will get the best 10 tips and ideas to show you the way! So you can plan the best bachelor party in Amsterdam!
Are you looking for the best day activities look at our bachelor party Amsterdam page. Or do you want to cruise by your self? Go to our boat rental page.

1: Put together a bachelor party comite.
Organising a bachelor party where everyone is happy and nothing can go wrong is hard. So it is better to ask some help.
There are so many things to think about. So choose a few friends you know are able to help. Believe me, you will thank me later!
2: Organise smart, pick a smart day.
Planning a bachelor party isn’t just a night out. It is about the whole plan, so begin around 3 months prior. This way you have time to look at options and to understand everyone’s wishes and possibilities. Before you pick a date make sure you know everyone’s agenda.
Also keep in mind the special events in Amsterdam. Our capital is the place to be for tourists and bars of fun events.

3: Communication is key: keep everyone in the loop
Forget about the walkie talkies! There are so many better ways to communicate.
Make a new WhatsApp group, to communicate with everyone. A perfect way to share ideas and to get to know each other. Plus when you lose someone on the big day just share your location.
Besides it is the perfect way to send invitation and sharing pictures after the best bachelor party ever! But don’t forget dont include the bride or groom in the planning. It has to be surprise of course and they are already kinda busy.
So good communication is vital to a good organised trip! Not just your group but also with the organisation you book your trip, let them know what you schedule so they can keep that in mind.

Get diner, but dont make it to difficult
The day can be fairly hard, because of all the drinks and snacks all day long. Decide if it is necessary to get diner (think about the budget). A good compromise is to combine the trip/tour with food. like a BBQ or sushi boat. Rather go to a restaurant, make sure you book on time.

The evening program
No matter how much of a party girl/boy the bachelor is don’t make a bar the only location of the evening. You have to think of a way to make the night special and memorable. After all you are in Amsterdam the city that has no taboos.
4: Be smart with your bachelor party budget
FFirst find out what everyones budget is, before you begin planning. If you dont you risk the chance of loosing some of your group. Not everyone is able to pay for things you might think are fine. So find out what everyone wants to spend and go from there. No worries, there are great activities in Amsterdam for every budget.
A very important factor of the budget is keeping the kwality of your best friends (hopefullly) only bachelor party. So, don’t be afraid of thinking of minimum budget.
5: Choose a good day program
Now that you know who is coming, when the party is happening and what the budget is, it is time to plan the day program.
An important question: At what time are you starting? Are going in the morning, noon or in the evening? Do you want something active or something more relaxing?
There are so many things to do in Amsterdam, that you never did before. It is good to come out of your comfort zone and try something new. But remember communication is key. You want of course that everyone has a great day.
A classic that always works is enjoying some good drinks and food in our beautiful city.

8: Decide on what you are going to wear
Are you more about ‘be normal, that is crazy enough’ or ‘it can’t get crazy enough’? Are you planning on making the soon to be bride or groom wear some crazy outfit? Keep in mind on where you are going, on the streets you can get as crazy as you want but not every bar will let you go in.
So choose what kind of things you want to wear and find out if this is possible for that activity. A color is also possible and easy, but if you want to wear costumes, you will have to rent them. The most important thing is that everyone feels comfortable.
9: Yes or no challenges?
Every bride and groom disurve a splashing bachelor party. And that includes of course a list of crazy challenges, but know your audience.
Some don’t like it to get completely crazy with the costumes and the assignments, because it is awkward. And then a simple drinking game will be enough. No matter what your preferences are you can always take a look at our other pages with challenges for men or challenges for woman.

10: Be creative and give the party a personal touch
By giving the party a personal touch makes it unique. Think about giving a quiz about you best memories of the bachelor or a game about what they like and don’t like.
Good way to do this is combining it with music. So everyone can sing along or dance.
D-day of the bacehlor party
The planning of a bachelor party can be stressful, you can’t forget the most important thing and that is to have fun! Your organisation is complete and today is the day you can let every worry go and just enjoy the party with your friends.
We already wish you a lot of good luck with planning and a lot of fun on the day of the bachelor party. If we can help you with anything just contact us. We are always ready to help!